Needless to say, it's been a while. It has now been over a month since I got here, and already I see the movement of the Lord in so many parts of life here. Even just in myself. God is renewing me and causing so much of my brokenness to surface so that He can change me. Living in community with these two girls is the biggest blessing and it's causing all of us to grow in ways that are hard but good for us. I can tell that God is drawing us into glory and closer to His heart. He is shaping our vision for this place. It makes me so excited to think and dream about what this year could hold, and to know that the Lord has so much to reveal to us if we commit our plans to Him. Knowing, of course, that it won't be easy... but worth it.
I've been able to visit both orphanages multiple times and my heart has been reminded of one of the biggest reasons I came back here: those kids. They have so much of my heart, whether they know it or not, and I can't wait to see how God shapes their lives. This is Heather and I with our two little hijos in Jaibon, Luis Alberto & Jonel.
My students at school also just make my whole life. They are hilarious, sincere, and forgiving when my Spanish isn't great or my classes don't run as smoothly as I would like them to. They are excited about learning English and every day I teach them I'm blown away by how smart they are. Here are some of my second graders...
I'm excited to be able to share more now that we have internet at the house. It is good to know that so many people are praying for hope to spread its way into hearts here. I can't thank people enough for that.
hasta pronto...