
19 June 2012

hi friends...

        I have been back in the States for about a week now.  Emotions and culture-shock aside, it has been so good to be with my family.  For the past few days we've been in Kentucky spending some time with my sweet Mammaw.  We are leaving tomorrow and I'm going to miss her all over again.  Still trying to process and plan for the future, but I trust that God will give me enough time and peace of mind to fit everything in.  I'm excited for the fall but so thankful for this time.  I'm trying to blog better, so we'll see how that goes :)

Mammaw, Jenna and me... I'm blessed.

02 June 2012

last but not last

this is my last week in the country before leaving for a much needed few months of vacation at home.   lots of emotions, thoughts, lessons learned, and hopes for the future have my head swimming pretty much 24-7 these days, but I think I will save all of that for another post :)  this week will be spent moving into a new house in the neighborhood that stole our hearts, spending time with friends who have become family, and tying up loose ends.  it will be a week of "last" things, that are really just last things for now. the last time I had such mixed emotions about leaving a place was when I left my house 8 months ago to come here.  there are so many things I am going to miss while I'm away but sooo many things I am looking forward to.  here are some pictures of what's been going on the past little bit:

 we threw a birthday party for Ariel, for which he wanted to decorate the house himself :)

I made a trip to Santo Domingo to spend some time with Dr. Peña, a doctor and pastor who my home church has been supporting for years, and his family.

 this past week I had my last day of teaching at Ciudad de Luz.  i will miss the kids so much!

this is where we are living in the coming year! we are so excited for what the Lord has waiting for us on Calle Altagracia (high grace).

we have seen so much of the Lord's favor in how this 8 months is closing out and we're just constantly reminded of how faithful he is.  he continues to do "immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine" (ephesians 3:20) and we continue to learn how to trust that he always will.