Now that I've been back for a little over a week I think I'm ready to give another update :)
My last week in the DR was a bitter-sweet one, but every moment spent with the Dominicans filled me with joy as usual. It was a week full of challenges which God brought me through. (One of those challenges was leading my group alone to do camp at a church where OO had never done camp before. And I was in charge! Something I never thought I'd be doing a couple months ago.) It was a week full of goodbyes and/or see-you-laters. It was the last day of camp with my awesome girls who I had befriended over the past few weeks. It was the last time laughing in the kitchen with my good friends. It was leaving the other interns who I have become so close with. Of course it was leaving my 25 little brothers in Jaibón. And finally, leaving Heather, my friend and sister who shares so much of my heart and passion in life.
That's a lot of leaving. But this week God has shown me that He is present with me here, and that I am here to live for Him just as much as I was in the DR to live for Him. It has been so good spending time and laughing with my family this week. They are one way God has and continues to bless me. I am excited to put what I have learned this summer into practice in my life in the States. I'm ready to get back into school and pour into people's lives there. I can't wait to get back to my small group and my friends and my church in Knoxville. I don't know what the future holds for me, or where God will take me next, but I'm just excited to live and find out.
Also, being back home means I can show you pictures!

This is part of my girls' group at a church in Jaibón. These girls had such loving hearts and loved coming to camp. Some of them even came to 3 of the 4 morning camps we did!

I'll keep posting pictures over the next few weeks!
Thank you for all your prayers. God has been moving my hands and feet for his glory and I am so glad to have the support of the people I love. I can't wait to see a lot of you very, very soon :)
"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion"
phil. 1:6
Aw, thanks for the update! I am sure you are missed there as well! love you girl!
ReplyDelete-betsy, not bill
i love this :)