to update everyone on what's going on:
if you haven't noticed, we got our t-shirts and we're real excited about it. they arrived on Heather's doorstep in a big box and they are ready to be ordered and shipped :) click the "t-shirts" page at the top of this site to read about them and order one for your very own.

God is providing for us like crazy. He thinks of everything. i am amazed at how this is all unfolding and happening in perfect time. this is what it feels like to put it in the Lord's hands. i never knew! now i feel like it's the only way to live.
i spent last week in Kentucky with my family and my sweet Mammaw, dealing with the death of my D-daddy (when i learned to speak i couldn't say "grand-daddy"). he was very special and it was very hard, and it still is very hard. the past week drew my family closer together and grew me a little as a person. i saw a lot of ways the Lord redeems even the hardest losses...i was deeply encouraged by people i had never met but felt like i had known forever. i saw what true friendship is. i cried and i let go. life is a lot of letting go, in a lot of different ways. this was just one of them. be praying for my family, especially my Mammaw, Pearl.
there's a lot more to come! thanks for checking up on me every now and then. it means the world.
my best,
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